To corporative clients. Arbitration
Корпоративным клиентам. Арбитраж
Business support
A full range of legal services for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs; legal support of business, collection of debts on transactions; drawing up agreements, contracts; legal analysis of documents.
Registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
Registration of LLC, OJSC, CJSC, registration of public organizations and non-profit partnerships, registration of individual entrepreneurs, liquidation of legal entities and termination of the status of an individual entrepreneur, amendments to constituent documents. Representation in the IFTS.
- One-time explanatory consultations, which do not require examination of client documents and additional regulations on this issue up to 1 hour from 500 ₽
- One-off consultations that require the study of client documents, the analysis of regulations on this issue up to 1 hour from 1000 ₽
- One-time consultation with the issuance of reference materials up to 1 hour from 1500 ₽
- Preparation of legal documents: letters, applications, appeals, complaints - for individuals, legal entities and IP up to 1 hour from 2500 ₽
Representation in courts
for administrative cases - from 15000 ₽
on arbitration cases - from 15000 ₽
for general jurisdiction - from 15000 ₽
in supervisory instances - from 10,000 ₽
Cost of evaluation and expertise
transport damage - from 2500 ₽
shortcomings of property - from 5000 ₽
- * State duty is paid separately, the registration period is 6 working days

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